A Guide to Making a Home in the Hauptstadt
Author: Giulia Pines
Photographs: Paul Sullivan
ISBN: 9783957237002
Sprache: english
Erschienen: 28.05.14
Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar
Preis: 12.99 €
The essential guide for all international Berlin conquerors. Living in Berlin since 2008 New Yorker author Giulia Pines takes you by the hand and tells you what to expect as an expat. Her lively book gives the answers to every existential question regarding: history, official stuff, finding a place to live, learning German, getting around in the city, Berlin with children, work life, shopping, eating, culture, books, and other expat resources.
Page through it for inspiration. Lean on it to assuage your worst fears and help fuel your dreams. Use it as a companion, but don’t assume that it possesses the power to dictate exactly what your experience of moving to Berlin will be.
With photographs by Paul Sullivan.
„Finding Your Feet in Berlin is well-researched and insightful … at the same time it is the personal touch, the personality, of the book that makes it worth reading…anyone looking to move to Berlin will benefit from the information therein.” – Nicolette Stewart, Young Germany
„Finding Your Feet In Berlin is fantastic for newcomers and even those who’ve been in Berlin for a while but want to engage the city more… I highly recommend this book. It is not only current, but it’s extremely detailed and genuinely helpful.“ – John Perye, BERLIN LOVES YOU