Buch Cover The Berlin Wall 1961-1989Photographs from the stock of the Landesarchiv Berlin, selected and commented on by Volker Viergutz

Film: Wieland Giebel
Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar
Umfang: 128 Seiten, 170 x 240 mm, Broschur
Preis: 9.95 €


On the 13th of August 1961 the GDR was divided into two halves by a 155km long wall, thus isolating the three west sectors from the surrounding area of Brandenburg in order to bring a halt to the constantly increasing flow of immigrants leaving East Berlin and the GDR.
With this photo book the Landesarchiv Berlin and the Berlin Story Verlag (publishing house) want to remember a particularly dramatic period of time in the history of Berlin, as well as one of the most horrific constructions- that all together divided the city for 28 years, from 1961 to 1989.

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